
Mariagrazia Alabrese is associate professor of agricultural, food and
agri-environmental law at the Institute of Law, Politics and
Development (DIRPOLISI). She is graduated in law at the University
of Pisa with honours in 2002 with a thesis on the regulation of food
chains. She has a PhD in Italian and Comparative Agricultural Law
from the University of Pisa (2007), with a thesis on agricultural risks
as regulated in European and national agricultural legal frameworks.
She has been a visiting scholar at several law schools and institutions
in the UK (University of Leeds, University of Cambridge, Institute of
Advanced Legal studies of London University). The research activity
is totally within the field of ‘agricultural and food law’, working on food
sustainability, environmental and climatic impacts of food production,
the health problems linked to food consumption, the technological
challenges (e.g. digital agriculture and smart-agrifood) to which
modern agricultural law has to respond.


See Mariagrazia Alabrese full profile and publications here